Tithes & Offerings

Click on the buttons below to give your tithes and/or offerings. Thank you, and have a blessed day


Deuteronomy 14:23 says, “The purpose of tithing is to teach us always to put God first in our lives.”

At Light Christian Center, we believe that giving is an important part of our spiritual growth and obedience to God. Through the act of giving, we demonstrate our trust in God's provision and our willingness to be a blessing to others.

One way that we give is through tithes, which is the biblical practice of setting aside a tenth of our income to be used for the work of the church. This includes supporting our local ministry and outreach efforts, as well as global missions. We believe that when we give our tithes, we are not only honoring God but also investing in the growth and impact of His kingdom.

In addition to tithes, we also encourage our members to give offerings and make donations to support specific projects and needs within the church. Whether it's helping to fund a new building project, supporting a mission trip, or providing assistance to those in need, your generosity allows us to make a difference in the world for the glory of God.

We are grateful for your willingness to give, and we pray that God will bless you as you seek to honor Him with your finances.